Friday, June 18, 2010

Liar, Liar. Pants on fire!

Its here, Caitlynn's lying phase has arrived. Oi, she is good at it too. Yesterday I got home from work, only to find a half eaten bag of chips in my bed with crumbs everywhere! I asked both kids who was eating in my bed and got the classic answer "Not me!" from both of them. I asked them if that meant that Grandma and Grandpa decided to eat chips in my bed and would you know that Caitlynn said "uh huh". That is how I knew that it was her, but there were so many crumbs that I was sure that she couldn't have done it herself, so I asked Andruw if he was sharing with her and he stood firm on his answer. I asked Caity if he was eating with her and she said he was. I didn't know who was lying at this point so enter creative parenting. I grounded them both from electronics and friends until they came to me with a MATCHING story. I realize that they could have made a deal to lie to me together, but I didn't assume that was very likely because they both hate being in trouble.
About an hour later they came to me and Andruw said Caity is ready to tell you I was watching cartoons in my room. She looked at me and nodded, so I asked "did Andruw eat chips with you?" and she shook her head yes. I let them know that their stories still don't match and that they were still grounded. I also used the classic line, "When you lie, Jesus gets very sad." That was what it took. Caitlynn confessed that it was just her. I told her, you aren't in trouble for the chips Caitlynn, I just wanted to know why you did that. You are in trouble because you lied and lying is unacceptable.
I thought, okay, lesson learned for now. That was, until bed time when Andruw was looking for his new library book and it was NO WHERE. Caity had it earlier as she was showing it to me and such. We looked everywhere trying to find where she would have put it. We looked under furnature, outside, in the cupboards, litterally everywhere she would have put something. Finally I said, "Caity, you have to tell me where you put the book. Don't say you don't know because that is a lie". She looked at me and said, "It's in my bed mom." Sure enough, she was hiding it under her pillow! UGH!
Any tips for fixing this behavior would be appreciated :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A New Life

Today I have decided that I am going to start over. Not a huge overhaul, but starting over. I have been neglecting so many area's of my life the last month or 2. It is hard when Trevor is on days because we stay so much more busy..but I really have to get organized.

Step 1. Cleaning

I am going to clean up my room and keep it that way. Honestly, what is 15 minutes a day?
I need to manage that mountain of laundry. I think that it was much easier when I was washing 1 load a day. :)
I can keep my kids busy for 30 minutes after work and daycare everyday. It is not illegal to make your kids do chores.

Step 2. Exercising

Recently I have been turned away from plasma donation 2 times. This is in part because I have not been exercising. The lack of excersize means that my body is not using the protein that I am taking in. I will spend 20 minutes a day working out. I have to.

Step 3. Financially

We have made some big changes here recently and the light at the end of the tunnel just keeps getting closer and closer. I would like to sit down and make a plan. Not only a budget, but plan the time frame that we will take to move from my moms, the time that we will take to get another car, and the time that it will take to have a down payment for a house for when we can get approved.

I am giving myself 2 months to really accomplish these goals. I don't think that it is too unattainable.